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“Among Photons” - Fernando Chamarelli’s first solo exhibition in Chicago
2012 was forecast to be a crucial year for the history of planet Earth: from Maya’s predictions to Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster, 2012 was marked on all our calendars as the Big Wrap Up Day for Humanity. Scientists had a less dramatic vision, many believed that 2012 would be more likely be the year that Earth would pass through the densest point of the Photon Belt. Not familiar with the Photons? A quick search online reveals that a photon is “the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena. It is the carrier of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths”. Passing through this highly charged photon belt would result in a shift for humanity to a higher level of consciousness.
As we reached the end of 2012, we had been witness to more bombings and financial disasters. The yearning for an improvement to the general condition of humanity has since remained, and can still be felt as we approach the end of 2013.
Fernando Chamarelli’s first solo show in Chicago titled “Among Photons” embodies the need of an awakening that has come evident across various cultures in time and space; his signature style showcases a large spectrum of references, from pre-Columbian figures to street art. Throughout Fernando’s “Among Photos” exhibition, he captures mans desire to transcends oneself, in the hope that a temporary window for spiritual transition in formed, during which time humans can reach a higher point of existence.
The show was held at Vertical Gallery, which was recently listed by Complex Magazine one of the 15 Coolest Places In Chicago. Specialising in exhibiting and supporting urban art, the gallery hosted the opening night to Fernando’s exhibition and the launch was a huge success. “This is my third solo show in the USA and the exhibition in Chicago was excellent, the opening drew a lot of people”, says Fernando. “I painted for a whole year to make this exhibition - and everything was as I wanted.”
Patrick Hull, the owner and founder of Vertical Gallery, recalls the first time he saw Fernando’s work; “I first saw Fernando work in 2010 at his solo show in San Jose, CA and instantly was drawn to the colorful cultural mix he incorporated into his paintings. Now three years later I am happy to bring Fernando and his new body of work to Chicago – we are showing the largest canvases he has produced, along with his original drawings for his paintings, and his first limited edition 10-color screen print. His unique gallery installation is a must-see – Fernando is definitely an artist to invest in.”
The show came to a close on November 9th, but you can still order Fernando’s exclusive screen prints here
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