News - All the latest news straight from the artists themselves
Since the 70s the “Think Outside The Box” catchphrase has been repeated over and over, from marketing presentation to newspaper articles, from job descriptions to advertising campaigns. There’s no escape from it and, with the recession in full swing and the need to find new approaches to brand new scenarios, it has become more of an imperative for survival rather than a fancy cliché.
Kontakt, Telenor’s corporate magazine, asked Becha to give her interpretation on TOTB from an artist’s point of view. “The theme of this issue was «Thinking out of the box» but in fact it’s about creativity more in general”, tells Becha over Skype. “In this image I’ve represented two dimensions: on one side our closed world, “Our Box” where everything is very sensible and guided by rules. On the other side, the Outside The Box, everything is possible but if only you let your imagination run free. I do believe that artists are like illusionists because through their visions and creations can take the viewer to another place, change people’s state of mind, alter their emotions and, inspired by artist’s message, even stimulate their actions.”
Becha’s image marks another step toward a quite distinctive style that the Serbian artist has started to develop in the past year. “This is very conscious effort” Becha confesses. “I am trying to develop my style, to change it and experiment with it. It’s quite a natural process because with time, my personality is changing and so does my work”.
“Among Photons” - Fernando Chamarelli’s first solo exhibition in Chicago
“What will Earth look like in 1000 years?”
Love and spirituality in the high-tech age.
Play Time!
Teasy Packaging
SPIROS HALARIS for Ellie Goulding & V Magazine
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
“A bright mind sees opportunities where no one else does”