teasy Packaging

teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Teasy Packaging

Maybe it’s because we live in London, but here at Machas we drink tea by the gallon. Someone can argue that in order to comply with the indigenous traditions we should drink beer by the gallon - but we opted for the healthy option.
Anyway, our passion for teas & infusions is only match by our love for nice packaging and when the two things are combined together in it’s like a consumer’s paradise - and Becha has crafted our ticket to this teasty heaven with the packaging for Adonis.

“The product is mix of something traditional but packed in a modern way as the filter is in the shape of a teaspoon. I tried to show that in illustration, making it closer to younger generation and their pace of life.
Working on this project was a very relaxing task, almost easy and joyful like drinking tea!”


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