News - All the latest news straight from the artists themselves
What would be your pick between living in a new ice age, be part of a taller-yet-dumber human race that will live side by side with cyborgs or experience (and hopefully survive) an asteroid collision? I know, it’s hard to choose which one of these futuristic scenarios predicted by scientists and thinkers will fit better the human race. The good news is that these are just a few options and the After Earth article on the new Little White Lies issue offer a wider selection to choose from.
Although you might be left with the feeling that doomsday is on his way on a Swiss high speed train, you can always cheer up with Jonathan Calugi‘s illustration that accompanies the article. Jonathan’s lends his signature intricate play of lines and characters to represent each and everyone of these scenarios, probably suggesting that the resulting picture will be a mix of all these visions rather than one lucky ticket winner.
“Combining all those different elements together was easy: I just had to follow the line!”, says Jonathan. “Representing different subjects it’s easy when the line is the element that ties everything together. Obviously some elements are more difficult than others: the pyramids for example weren’t my favorite as they are really static and tend to make the composition heavy, whereas the eskimo people and the big-breasted woman were so much fun to make!”
The future might be uncertain but, most importantly, according to Jonathan we will still have cats - so everything will be fine.
“Among Photons” - Fernando Chamarelli’s first solo exhibition in Chicago
Stepping Out
Play Time!
COFFEE MUG: Jeff Rogers x Nabob coffee
SPIROS HALARIS for Ellie Goulding & V Magazine
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
“A bright mind sees opportunities where no one else does”
The Magnificent 12